Second Electric Vehicles Stakeholders Meeting Held at LUMS

Second Electric Vehicles Stakeholders Meeting Held at LUMS

To increase partnerships between Pakistani and foreign companies and to highlight the opportunities and challenges in the EV sector, LUMS hosted the second Electric Vehicles (EV) stakeholder meeting on April 5, 2022.

The session was also an opportunity to provide an update on the 'Electric Vehicles and Battery Market Assessment' report that was launched in late 2021 and was a joint project between LUMS and USAID. 

Representing USAID at the event were Mr. David Young, Deputy Mission Director, and Ms. Jenna Diallo, Director, Office of Energy. Senior members of LUMS leadership were also present, including Rector, Mr. Shahid Hussain, and Vice Chancellor, Dr. Arshad Ahmad.

Dr. Ahmad welcomed the attendees and said, “This report is an excellent example of how your support has amplified evidence-based interventions that are having an impact at both the policy level and the ground level. We are enthusiastic and hope that we can continue to serve as a hub for innovation to achieve energy efficiency, power improvements and a focus on swappable batteries.”

In his keynote address, Mr. Young noted, “Our partnership with LUMS goes back more than three decades. Over the years, this partnership has strengthened, and this report is the latest example of our collaboration. The latest trends show that electric vehicles will become increasingly common in the future, and I believe Pakistan has great potential both as a producer and exporter of EVs to other countries.”

Three panel discussions were also held to discuss different aspects: from financing and marketing, to enabling the EV revolution. Dr. Shakeel Sadiq Jajja, Associate Professor, LUMS, explained that there are several different types of EV consumers, and each segment has their own set of expectations and constraints. This segregation must be considered as it will impact infrastructure and policy decisions.

A discussion was also held around swappable battery solutions which will require investment as well as standardisation. It was noted that to become widely acceptable, EV chargers must integrate into the existing lifestyle of users. 

In his concluding remarks, Dr. Nauman Zaffar, Director, National Incubation Centre Lahore, stated, “This is the beginning of how we take the EV revolution forward in Pakistan. There is an open invitation to collaborate to innovate, and to take ideas forward in a sustainable manner.”