Pathways to Development Conference 2023: Tackling Inequalities and Social Justice

Pathways to Development Conference 2023 Tackling Inequalities and Social Justice

In December 2023, the Pathways to Development Conference 2023 catalysed a vibrant exchange of ideas among academics, practitioners, and policymakers, fostering a collaborative environment that was instrumental in driving meaningful discussions and outcomes. This three-day event was a collaborative effort by leading social science research centers and institutions committed to advancing cutting-edge research in Pakistan.

Key partners included the Department of Economics and the Mahbub ul Haq Research Centre (MHRC) at LUMS, the Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives (IDEAS), the Centre for Development Policy Research (CDPR), the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Sussex, the Centre for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), and the International Growth Centre (IGC).

Gender inequality was a primary focus, with specialised sessions and a plenary talk exploring the barriers women face in accessing resources and potential interventions to bridge these gaps. The conference's scope extended to examining broader social inequities, including disparities in education, poverty alleviation, and the impact of climate change, as well as the influence of elites on decision-making processes.

A key highlight was a high-profile panel discussion titled ‘India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh: Where Did Their Growth Trajectories Diverge?’ which provided a comparative analysis of the economic development paths of these South Asian neighbors. Plenary talks addressed critical aspects of development challenges, including the complex relationship between political economy and policy formulation, and how conflict can hinder development efforts.

Recognising the importance of nurturing future researchers, the conference featured a dedicated session for young scholars to present their pioneering work, reinforcing LUMS’ commitment to fostering emerging talent. This focus on cultivating future research will continue to be a cornerstone of upcoming events.

Over the past two years, the Pathways to Development Conference has brought together over 110 distinguished scholars from renowned institutions such as LUMS, IBA, PIDE, Yale, Oxford, Chicago, the Aga Khan University, and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. With more than 35 sessions exploring the complex nature of development challenges in Pakistan and the broader region, the conference has solidified its position as a leading platform for scholarly dialogue and policy innovation.

Looking ahead, the next conference is scheduled for December 2024 and will focus on the theme of Governance and Inclusion. The organisers are excited to build on past successes, positioning LUMS as a central hub for critical discussions on regional development challenges.