Call for Nominations: 2022 - 2023 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence


The VC Office and the Learning Institute are excited to announce the Call for Nominations for the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence, 2022 - 2023. This is the only university-wide teaching award of its kind at LUMS which proudly celebrates the contributions of individuals who through innovation, commitment, and continued excellence in teaching have significantly enhanced the quality of their students’ learning experiences.

All instructors (faculty, adjuncts, teaching fellows, and professors of practice) who contribute to teaching and learning and have at least three years of teaching experience at LUMS are eligible to be nominated. Any Chair, Dean, faculty, staff, or current student can nominate an instructor if they can attest to the instructor’s excellence and effectiveness in teaching, as well as the impact that they have had on student learning.

If you want to nominate an instructor, please fill out the brief nomination questionnaire here. For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to LLI Awards Coordinator, Ms. Fatima Iftikhar at

Read more about last year’s winners here